
Providing LIS to Village Chakhal Dungi Ser in GP Thaina Bastori Tehsil Rajgarh Distt. Sirmour H.P/3931-4030 dated 19-09-2023/2023_HPIPH_79424_2

SOP to newly constructed building of HPBSE at AMB ED Jmukhi(HPSEBL)/HPSEBL/JMK/E/2023-24/01/2023_HPSEB_79297_1


Leasing of Photography work in Sh. Bajreshwari Devi Temple Kangra HP/temple1359-73/2023_DCDH2_79109_1

Leasing out Shops (3Nos.) Near Sh. Bajreshwari Devi Temple Kangra HP./temple1359-73/2023_DCDH2_79109_2

Segregation of Garbage at dumping station and composting of wet (organic) waste at Ner Chowk/MCNer/2023-E-Tendering-5795 dated 23-09-2023/2023_UDDHP_79311_1